In the Beginning

'In the Beginning...' Gen. 1:1

It was not by coincidence or accident that the word of God started with this phrase 'In the Beginning...'

Beginning is important in life! What constitute every race is the beginning, middle and the end; and everything has a beginning. Another year begins in few minutes and the race starts all over again. What do you want your beginning to look like in this New Year - 2015?

Remember that God had to create light at the beginning because He knew that without light, nothing can be done. Jesus is the Light that has come to make all things beautiful and He is the One that can make your life count especially in this world of darkness.

Christ Jesus is calling you today right from the beginning of the another New Year. Don't reject His call. Accept Jesus today for tomorrow may be too late. If you left Him behind, He awaits that you retrace your steps to Him. For you that still stands, keep standing...

It's another beginning, evaluate your life and make the right decision to be God's desire - the best; be resolute to have a living relationship with Jesus; make every second count this year in every of your endeavour, empower and develop yourself, associate with the right people and embrace the right principles that will move your life ahead. Refuse to loose focus...

At KSi, we wish you God's best this year for the thought HE has for you is of good and not of evil to give you an expected end. We encourage you to develop a living relationship with Jesus. May your life this year give God overflow of joy and may you live to achieve and be the best this year...


2 Jan 2015