Is Your Sight Seeing?

Is Your Sight Seeing?

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. - Proverbs 12:27 [NLT]

Sight is important to life just like life is incomplete without light. Living creatures possess eyes to see and those who do not have eyes have component that takes care of such function. At creation, God had to give sight to His creation first by creating light because without light, no existence. From Genesis to Revelation, the word of God recorded men of sight, they were children of God that had vision, foresight and even insight. Anyone that seeks to fulfil destiny must possess this virtue of sight and be ready to pay the price. This topic reminds me of an expression ‘a blind man leading a blind man...‘ meaning that nobody in the world celebrate spiritual blindness or destiny blindness.

There is sight, foresight and an insight. These various forms of sight are essential as we walk this destiny path; it is important if we want to work with God and follow His instruction or footstep continually. A man of sight is a man that sees in present, foresight is the ability to see ahead, insight means gaining an extra-ordinary, deeper insight of a particular issue. While sight helps to see the present through, foresight helps in preparing ahead for destiny journey. Insight gives deeper understanding, revelation, and meaning.

God cherishes sight! God instructed Abraham “Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west...” You can’t go beyond what your sight or vision or what you give your attention to.’ God calls a man with foresight and insight as wise; since such a man sees ahead, he prepares; examines, evaluate thoroughly and even do a needed precaution. While the fools walk with eyes closed. Jesus Christ when He was on earth operated in this dimension, He knew what He was meant to do per time and He was never fall short.

How can your sight be restored? And how can one walk in these different level of sight? Reach out to God for He owns all things; as we pray to God and study God’s word and meditate on it, the eyes of our heart is enlightened. Just like Daniel that learnt by books, you have to cultivate the habit of reading, develop yourself so that your sight can truly see; Confess positively and learn observe things just like the Preacher and think things through (Eccl. 4:1a). If your sight is dull, beckon on God for a fixing and always remember, a prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.


12 Jan 2015