Overcoming Doubt III

Overcoming Doubt III

Phil 4:4-7

RECAP: For some days we have been examining how we can overcome doubt. We mentioned the fact that we have to know who we believe, see through the focal lens of God's word. It's important we see doubt and fear as a ploy from the enemies so we must take our stand and resist the devil. To read the study extensively, please check the blog section on the website. Today we will finish study by examinng the following points.


It is important that we understand the place of thanksgiving and positive confession in overcoming fear and doubt. The bible mentioned that a man's heart is important to his life because out of it flows issues of life and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, hence guarding the heart is important (Proverbs 4:24 & Matthew 12:34). When we feed upon God’s word, we are continually transformed (Rom. 12), we behold Jesus and He becomes the centre of our focus and we see Him from the focal lens of His words. We see His awesomeness and His faithfulness, we see Him in and around us – in all things and we can burst into songs, sing hymns in adoration of His mighty and awesomeness (Col. 3:16). When you perceive doubt raising its ugly head, try thanking God, seeing where you are as a product of His faithfulness and not yours. This will in turn cause you to open your mouth and He will fill it. Offer Him the fruit of your lips in thanksgiving unto our God.

Confession is a prerequisite to possession. Learn to confess positively into your life. See doubt as an affliction from the devil and you have to learn to resist it; command it to leave and it will obey because God has given you that authority. Confess God’s word to that situation, confession what you trust God will do and look into the mirror and see yourself as God’s image and likeness, look into God’s word which is the mirror to see that situation and confess what you want, don’t stop, keep saying it and you will see it come to fulfilment.


Furthermore, we can’t but cry out to God to help our unbelief. Just like that man that encountered Jesus and He saw himself in the light of who he is exactly and the only thing he could do was to call upon Jesus to help his unbelief and doubt (Mark 9:24). He was within two worlds: He believed in heart but his head was saying another thing. So had to cry out to God realizing his weakness as a man, hence, it is important we come to God in honesty and ask of Him to help us. Pray without ceasing (Phil. 4:4-7) and as we present the problem to God, anxiety is gone.

As we feed on the pure milk of the word and building our faith and the spirit man; as we pray to God, giving thanks, and confess, we see Jesus. Know that many times when doubt comes, it is a ploy from the devil to rid many of their blessings. Be happy for with joy you will draw water from the well of life (Isaiah 12:3), resist the devil and He will flew then the peace of God is released and His joy fill our hearts. God bless you.


8 Jan 2015